The Old Pine Conservancy continues to devote its time and efforts to develop programs to share the intriguing stories of those who are buried in this historic graveyard with the local and wider community.
In honor of Black History Month, Kevin Williams, teacher, researcher, and trustee, described how important Pennsylvania was to the Underground Railroad. In his presentation, Kevin Williams described not only the heinous conditions of the enslaved and the attitudes of those who supported this evil, but he also retold the sometimes-little-known stories of the heroic men and women who risked their lives in the pursuit of freedom. Mr. Williams also shared the role abolitionists played in assisting enslaved people travel the Underground Railroad.
This well attended event is just one way the Old Pine Conservancy seeks to engage the wider community in conversations about our nation’s past and how we are connected to it. Continued research and the preservation of this historic landscape is our foremost task.
The primary mission of the Old Pine Conservancy is to raise funds to be used for the preservation and restoration of our historic graveyard. Last year we were awarded two grants to do just this. We received a $10,000 matching grant from the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, along with a $5,000 grant from the Society Hill Civic Association, allowing us to repair/restore 22 grave markers. This restoration was done by Materials Conservation, LLC. Although Materials Conservation closed with the retirement of the owner at the end of 2022, the future restoration work will continue with Heritage Conservation Collective, which includes conservators who previously worked with Materials Conservation.
The pictures you see are a small sample of the work that was accomplished last fall. Although we identified 66 grave markers in need of repair/restoration, last year’s funding allowed us to repair only 22 Priority One grave markers. With your help we hope to raise funds to help us complete this historic preservation. Please visit our website to help.